ARIZONA has a new generation of progressive leaders. We accelerate their impact by focusing on leadership development.
Arizona leaders and organizations have made incredible strides in the face of adversity. For over a decade, a diverse cadre of leaders have dismantled some of the most draconian policies impacting communities of color and low-income families. At Instituto, we ACCELERATE organizations by focusing on leadership development and scaling programs. Our Acceleration offerings are uniquely designed for everyone from volunteer to executive director to maximize the capacity of Arizona’s ecosystem.
The Instituto Power Network aims to build and sustain a community among all Instituto alum, including previous Instituto staff and fellowship alumni.
Instituto’s Alumni Newsletter will provide them opportunities for professional development and personal wellness every month with the following alum by alum trainings and events, exclusive wellness and downtime opportunities, and ongoing general support.
A Monzón is a change in the wind’s direction, and this fellowship is just that, a one-of-a-kind six-month fellowship for organizers and advocates from seven Arizona counties who run the most effective organizations and campaigns in our state.
A holistic staff and candidate recruitment program aimed to identify talent across the state, strategically place them, and support co-governing efforts that will lead to increased impact to low-income communities and communities of color. This program includes a robust job board, talent database, and staff, candidate, and elected training.
This fellowship will provide training and support to cohort members to acquire operational skills that will enable them to effectively manage progressive organizations, build impactful processes, and create working environments that are intentional, inclusive, and compliant.
This event-series creates collaboration and growth amongst the civic sector's executive leadership in Arizona. During Encuentros, leaders strategize on ideas and challenges to build robust campaigns.
Instituto partners with SEEDS, an organization with a mission to increase the capacity of individuals, groups, and organizations to build healthy relationships and restore relationships in the face of conflict.
The majority of civic funding comes from organizations outside of Arizona, and while we expect our communities to continue to benefit from these investments, there is a need for civic sector organizations to build more Arizona-based resources development capacity. Building for the Future will produce a report to highlight this important issue, provide 5 organizations with seed grants to diversify their funding, and offer technical assistance to partners in need.

If you would like to become a prospect for our incubator program or support our network please contact us. In community we thrive!